Mon – Sat : - 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM

24 Hour Emergency Treatment



We offer a variety of programs and resources to help people quit smoking or quit chewing tobacco. Trained smoking cessation facilitators and other health care personnel are available to answer your questions.

Smoking cessation [stopping smoking] represents the single most important step that people who smoke can take to enhance the length and quality of their lives.” Quitting is hard, but you can increase your chances of success with help

Tobacco use is the most common preventable cause of death. About half of the people who don't quit smoking will die of smoking-related problems. Quitting smoking is important for your health.

Soon after you quit, your circulation begins to improve, and your blood pressure starts to return to normal. Your sense of smell and taste return, and it's easier for you to breathe. In the long term, giving up tobacco can help you live longer. Your risk of getting cancer decreases with each year you stay smoke-free.

Quitting is not easy. You may have short-term effects such as weight gain, irritability, and anxiety. Some people try several times before they succeed. There are many ways to quit smoking. Some people stop "cold turkey." Others benefit from step-by-step manuals, counseling, or medicines or products that help reduce nicotine addiction. Some people think that switching to e-cigarettes can help you quit smoking, but that has not been proven. Your health care provider can help you find the best way for you to quit.


Guide to Quitting

Remember, tobacco addiction is both mental and physical. For most people, the best way to quit will be some combination of medicine, a method to change personal habits, and emotional support.

Making a Plan to Quit and Planning Your Quit Day

Quitting Smoking or Smokeless Tobacco

Quitting E-cigarettes

Dealing with the Mental Part of Tobacco Addiction

Nicotine Replacement Therapy to Help You Quit Tobacco

Prescription Medicines to Help You Quit Tobacco

Ways to Quit Tobacco Without Using Medicines

Staying Tobacco-free After You Quit

Help for Cravings and Tough Situations While You're Quitting Tobacco

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# Service Price
1 Bronchoscopy From $1340.00
2 Parathyroid Scan From $765.00
3 Echocardiography From $1075.00
4 Full Blood Picture From $950.00
5 CT & Ultrasound Diagnostic From $885.00
6 MRI & X-Ray From $1050.00

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